Branch: v2024-11
Build ID: e10d111
Build on 3/12/2025 12:19:27 PM
Fix bug handling empty lines in MOCVD csv files
Fix Sample Import restart
Remove dead links to MaterialsWeb
Add a piece to a Data Package did not include the growth run
Creating snapshots would only explore one level of hierarchy, a piece of a sample grown in a multi sample growth run would not include the growth run.
Creating CHET samples via sample import
Use data package notes for README required by scholarsphere
Added notes to data packages. Publishing step now requires a note called README.
Add synthesis instrument, characterization instrument, and collaborators to data packages
Collaborators are also use for auth, any collaborator can see and modify unpublished data packages.
Add instrument to publicatinos
Added associations instruments used in an publication. If available, the instrument DOI will be shown on the public page.
Converted publication view to server side paging
The number of publications is growing, it's time to change it to server side paging.
Allow removing characterization activities and files from unpublished data packages
Some users want to finetune data packages, and only include files actually used for the publication.
Publication can be created from BibTex or RIS citations
The New Publication popup can be populated by pasting a BibTex or RIS citation. Only 2DCC specific fields need to be populated manually (science driver, projects, instruments, materials.)
#735 - Fix JS error on Bulk page
When compounding several samples, LiST would run into an JS error when updating the table.
Import publication via BibTex
#734 - Paid for projects starting with A
Allow project IDs starting with A and L.
Bugfix #733 - Error when opening project as user, without access to pending samples
Previous fix caused error when accessing user projects.
Automate SharePoint resync when delta link expires
When SharePoint returns error 401 gone, data is reimported and filtered by modification date (after last successfull import).
Responsive tables
Public data & publication view are integrated in iframes into 2DCC web page; and have to make do with whatever space is available there.
Responsive tables now drop columns, or change DOI text to icon, when space is limited.
Public URL & internal URL
Server can have different names for default interface and public data, if configured that way, all links to data packages show the link to the public address.
Migrated to .NET 8
Snapshot creation was failing when data packaged contains simulation data
Recipe for CHET
Upload script for MOCVD2
Use a PowerShell script and create a sample definition XML
Bugfixes for snapshot generation
Don't stop on missing recipes, properly process in-situ characterization
Exclude transfer activities from snapshot
For public data sets, those transfers are not relevant.
Fix Characterization date recognition
Characterization date were not found if any additional text was added after that in folder names.
Bugfix MBE2 Recipe
Some materials were missing.
Restartable Snapshot generation
Data Package snapshots can take some time copying data.
In case of server restarts, or data inconsistencies which interrupt the copying, it can be restarted now and continues from where it was interrupted,
instead of deleting and recreating the data package.
Bugfix Authentication for Data Package
A link to pending data package now redirects to the sign in page instead of showing "Not authorized".
Improved search and table representation for Data Packages
Creation/Publication date has been added as column, bugs sorting by the different columns have been fixed.
Random prepublish IDs
A random prepublish ID is create once a data package is submitted. It can be used before a DOI is assigned, eg. in a manuscript.
Only those random IDs will grant public access, the predictable database IDs do require authentication, and the publication will not yet be found in the data search.
Bugfix Sample ID generation:
Use run # of the day across all researchers
Show publication in Project View
All publications are shown as part of their project in the project view.
Data packages are shown as part of the publication if linked.
In the data view, data packages now contain a link to their project and publication if available.
Automatically add publication activity to projects
When projects are linked to a publication, a publication activity is added to the project, making sure the link navigable from both sides.
Adding Theory activity to data packages
This can now be done for publication data packages as well, not only directly in theory projects.
Feature #715 - Creating Data Package Snapshots\
Feature #498 - Read MBE2 Samples
Automatically import MBE 2 samples, including Multi Sample Growth Runs
Allow users to go directly to their most recent sample.
Bugfix #721 - Bulk Shipping Request
Bulk shipping requests where interpreting numbers as internal Sample ID.
Bugfix #724 - External Users cannot add samples
Bugfix #725 - Anonymous access not working
Feature #724 - External Users (Shibboleth)
Show the eppn currently logged in, so that eppn vs email issues are easy to see.
Feature #720 - MBE recipes which variations of cell names
MBE cell names where renamed, so the recipe configuration has been updated to allow consuming both old and new names.
Feature #715 - Data Package Selector
Added a search form for data packages, similar to how samples and projects can be search.
Data packages can be search for by material, type, publication, users, and show nb. of samples and
simulations in the result list.
Feature #716 - Notify several people about shipping
Configuration options have changed and allow now several people handling shipping requests.
Bugfix #710 - External users cannot create substrates or materials
External users (e.g. RSVP) do not have those privileges in their user role, but only in their project role.
Project roles where not taken into account, this has been fixed.
Bugfix #706 - Allow changes of I/O numbers after shipping request had already been submitted
When shipping is handled, that I/O number can now be changed if necessary, before marking the sample as shipped.
Issue #712 - Code maintenance
Migrated to .NET 6 standards, updated .NET and JavaScript dependencies, migrated to webpack 5.
Bugfix #713 - Authentication - let claims and cookies expire more quickly
Bugfix #701 - Bulk View - Error when the whole sample is shipped
Shipping function assumed that the sample is split and only parts are shipped.
Bugfix #707 - Inconsistent naming of local transfers
Bulk and project view had differing names for the same function.
Feature #711 - Add FedEx tracking link
Feature #706 - DOIs for data packages
Added DOIs to data packages. Fixed authorization issues with data packages, some data was not accessible even though the package was public.
Bugfix #699 - Authentication issue after restart
When the server was restarted, authentication failed, sending users back to the login site.
Bugfix #698 - Samples transferred out to a project a users hasn't access to were still shown
An error would then be shown once the sample details where accessed.
Bugfix #700 - Deploy issue: Success was shown, even though deploy had failed
Feature #637 - Data packages associated with publications
Data packages can now be associated with publications in the UI, the data package view can show all data for a publications,
publications link to their data site if data is available.
Feature #696 - Ship many pieces of one sample in Bulk View
Ship sample action on Bulk View no takes range of pieces (5-10), or comma separates pieces numbers.
A split activity is added if necessary, the pieces are added, a shipping request is created and prefilled with those pieces.
Bugfix #694 - Precompounded Material not set as sample material
Sample made using precompounded material where created with no material, preventing submit.
Bugfix #693 - Adding instrument type to synthesis technique not working
Change in UI is not saved.
Bugfix #689 - MBE 1 Recipe generation missing manual growth end
Bugfix #690 - Error when adding external samples
Bugfix #691 - Bulk: Using several pre-compounded samples causes server error
Bugfix #692 - Creating permanent link not working
Feature #637 - Data Packages - configure Data-Only projects via UI
Data Package UI allows configuring data packages (add/remove samples).
Feature #600 - API Keys with access to certain projects
API Keys can be associated with projects and projects roles, giving them access to projects the
same way users can access to assigned projects.
Feature #681 - Sample material(s) in sample report
Added sample materials attribute, in addition to materials of synthesis activity.
Feature #680 - Characterization Monitor: List only missing samples
Since there are usually a bunch of files uploaded per sample, the upload task now allow to show a single line per missing sample.
Feature #679 - Horizontal Flux
Recipe update for Bulk, Horizontal Flux synthesis method can now also use pre-compounded samples
Bugfix #674 - Attach log files when importing MOCVD1 samples
Samples created with MOCVD1 have both a recipe and a log file. The latter need to be attached to the synthesis activity as well.
Bugfix #675 - Set default visibility to User for imported characterization
Automatically created characterization activities should be visible to users.
Feature #603 - Notify in Teams when Shipping Request is submitted
A notification via Teams is send when shipping requests are submitted, and when shipping date and tracking number are entered.
Feature #671 - Create Shipping Request in Bulk View
Included Creating shipping requests in the Bulk View Menu.
Feature #656, Fix #670 - Get changes from Microsoft SharePoint, sort them into import queues
This replaces the fetch of files modified after the last run. Getting all modified files
and then decide based on configured characterization and sample imports how (and if) to process those files
allows to take files into account no matter where they are uploaded. This is especially import research groups
that characterization data from other groups, but put the data into their sharepoint location, like ARPES Data.
Bugfix #667 - Add link to growth run for multi-sample growth
Normally the samples are placed in the growth folder, but that only works if they have the same material. If not,
a link is added pointing to the growth run.
Bugfix #660 - Creating characterization activity via UI not possible
Bugfix #658 - Javascript error in MOCVD recipes
Runtime calculation caused a JS error in MOCVD recipes.
Bugfix #656 - Characterization Data Upload
Bugfix #654 - Allow saving Projects without technique\
Feature #611 - OneDrive access
LiST now can use OneDrive via GraphAPI as source file storage,
using service accounts.
Feature #646 - Submit samples automatically
A task can be scheduled that submits samples older than a configurable amount of days automatically,
if there is no validation error. Submit validation has been refined as part of this feature, now
distinguishing warnings (like no synthesis activity, no material grown) that prevent automatic submitting only,
and errors that prevent any submit (like missing reporting category or runtime).
Feature #602 - Shipping: Local Transfer
Simplified Shipping for transfer to local users, without label, UPS, etc.
Bugfix #651 - Sample import improvements
A couple of bugfixes and improvements for sample imports:
Feature #646 - Automatic sample submit
Samples will be automatically submitted after a configurable amount of time.
Certain validation issues will prevent automatic submit, also configurable.
Bugfix #635 - Sample order not taken into account when assigning to growth run\
Feature #637 - Use data sets for Theory Projects
Data sets can be used to group simulation activities on theory projects.
Data sets can be defined to be public or only visible to collaborators, even if the project is public.
Feature #645 - Keep history of activities when updating/deleting
A copy is kept in a history table when activities are updated or deleted, making sure recipe data are not lost.
To be expanded to projects, notes, etc.`
Bugfix #641 - Editing Recipe Favorites\
Bugfix #644 - Error when accessing project and sample activities
Feature #634 - Data-only projects
Samples can be grouped in data sets and linked to other projects. This allows configuring
Data-only projects so that users can see samples as if they had been grown on that project.
Feature #626 - Confidential flag for materials
Materials can be flagged as confidential (customizing page) and thus hidden from the public sample statistic page.
New privileges have been introduced to configure who can see also those materials.
Feature #641 - Update Recipe Favorites
The settings menu now allows updating recipe favorites.
Bugfix #640 - New users cannot be added\
Bugfix #642 - Publications cannot be added or updated
Feature #625 - Use Shibboleth Authentication
Users can sign in either with PSU account (AzureAD) or InCommon Federation (Shibboleth).
Bugfix #639 - Sample statistics with filter by element have to be AND, not OR\
Feature #617 - Switch roles without logging out first
Users that have the admin flag set can now switch between their user role and the admin role
without using log out.
Feature #600 - API Access\
Feature #623 - UI for project collaborators
Project collaborators other the User PI, Faculty and Researcher are displayed and can be added/removed on a dedicated project tab.
Feature #620 - Give external users access to the sample search
External users are now able to use the LiST sample search ("My Samples") like 2DCC staff. Results are of cause limited to samples
they have access to.
Feature #624 - Sample statistics
Include an overview how many samples with which materials have been made at 2DCC.
Bugfix #610 - MCV2/MCV4: Pulsed growth
Pulsed growth (100x switching between two steps for instance) is handled as a repeat of those steps in the recipe files.
LiST now also displays those steps as a repeat instead of including the steps many times (which browsers where not able to display).
Bugfix #619 - Only one pending project version, not one by user
There is now only one pending version of a project (or none). Any users with edit privilege sees that pending version and can modify it.
Bugfix #621 - Login error when no abbreviation is set
This happened to external users, an abbreviation was not usually generated upon user creation.
Bugfix #628 - Bulk: New samples created without instrument
Bugfix #629 - Authentication is using ID column, not login column
Users have both an ID (assigned upon creation, based on zip/name for external users) and a login column. LiST was using the ID column
to check privileges in some cases, which is not the value it gets from AzureAD when someone logs in.
Bugfix #630 - Cannot add recipe row
Only one row was shown.
Bugfix #631 - Shipping cannot be submitted
A mandatory field was not shown and thus could not be set.
Bugfix #632 - Sample ID Generator used UTC
Sample IDs were generated based on UTC time, ie. switching to the next day already at 8pm.
Bugfix #633 - External users without assigned techniques cannot create samples
Synthesis techniques are assigned to limit available instrument for internal users. For external users, all instruments of all assigned projects are used as a default, since without a technique, no samples can be created.
Feature #600 - API Access\
Bugfix #605 - Not Found error for communications as Faculty
Bugfix #608 - File upload with user privileges not working
Bugfix #614 - Error when loading privileges for Bulk
Feature #580 - OneDrive as file storage backend
Feature #592 - Shipping Report
Feature #600 - API Keys
Allow access to LiST using API Keys.
Feature #578 - Allow restricted PSU accounts
Feature #499 - Parse MBE 5 & 6 Recipes
Create recipes from log files for MBE 5 and 6.
Bugfix #593 - Process Development sample cannot be transferred\
Bugfix #594 - CVT Growth: Use Material from precompounded samples
CVT growth can use precompounded powders, in that case, the sample material should automatically be set to the material of the precompounded powder.
Bugfix #590 - Recipe favorites do not apply the runtime
The runtime was actually included in the saved favorites, but not applied to synthesis steps when using that recipe.
Existing recipes are correct and do not need to be modified.
Bugfix #589 - Furnace and Cleaning templates not working
Recipe templates that do not require an instrument where not working.
Bugfix #586 - MBE sample def import: use unzipped file if zip is corrupt
If a corrupt zip file is found, check if the original unzipped file is available and use that instead.
If something happens during zipping normally the original file are not deleted and are still available.
Bugfix #585 - Characterization upload: Characterization date can be set to mandatory
Let the import fail if date is missing. That can be corrected quickly, better than using wrong date.
Feature #584 - Add characterization date to sample report
Bugfix #582 - Instrument manager cannot modify instruments
Bugfix #583 - Multi-Sample-Growth: Synthesis activity not available in sample tracking report\
Bugfix #579 - Filtering by growth date
Grown after and before where switched in both sample reports and sample overview
Feature #576 - External users
Show the role field for users, allow assigning users as external researcher to a project.
Feature #574 - Project Type RSVP
New user project type
Bugfix #424 - Handling sample pieces (after split)
Bugfix #568 - Inherit published flag from projects to samples and activities
Users that do not have the privilege to access unpublished data cannot access samples or their activities,
this has to be checked even when directly accessing data via REST call.
Bugfix #547 - Project Materials not shown after saving a modification\
Bugfixes #565 - Characterization upload
Bugfix #535 - Sample import: Allow activities on other instruments
MBE5 and MBE6 samples are often grown in both instruments, synthesis/preparation activities for the other instrument
are now correctly imported also if they do not use the main instrument.
Feature #546, #557 - Show number of samples grown, shipped and requested in the project list
The project list now includes 3 columns for the number of samples grown, shipped and requested. Sorting is possible for each of those three columns.
Depending on the privileges a user has, not all are always shown. Users who can't see sample requests do not see the request column,
users who are not authorized to see shippings don't see the nb of samples shipped.
Feature #523 - Including shipping information in sample search
The sample list now includes the shipping date. The search area allows filtering by shipping status and shipping date.
Bugfix #481, #555, Feature #445, #542 - Improvements for Sample Reports
Bugfixes and performance improvements for sample reports and the config dialog.
More data made available for reports: Shipping information and characterization techniques can now be accessed in reports.
A characterization report can now be configured as sample report.
Feature #553, #554, Bugfix #550, #551 - Sample import
Fixes two bugs in the sample import:
Adds paging and automatic statistics update to sample import monitor. Sample import can now be forced despite conflicts (requires administrator privileges).
Feature #540 - Create sample pieces if necessary when characterization is uploaded
When characterization files are uploaded for pieces (flakes) and only the sample exists in LiST,
a split activity and the required pieces are created automatically.
Bugfix #534, #543, Feature #548 - Configurable Authorization
Includes roles and privileges in UI, allows configuration of roles.
Fixes bugs in bulk dialog caused by new authorization module.
Feature #522 - Show nb of communications and last communication
While the communication node in the tree is only loading all user communications on request,
it now shoes the number of communications and the date of the last entry upon project loading.
Feature #520 - Improve publication table\
Feature #500 - Configurable Authorization
Make roles and privileges configurable
Feature #432 - Allow Instrument Managers to add researchers to their group
Different privileges are used that allow editing any user or only researchers in the same research group.
It is thus configurable who can add/edit users, as currently configured, Instrument Managers and Faculty can
make modifications to their research group, only Data Manager and Project Admin can add/edit other users.
Depends on #500
Recipe templates
Recipe templates for SICG and HPCVD added.
Feature #487 - MBE Sample Import
Persist running import in the database so restart the imports when the servers gets restarted.
Improved logging which properties were changed.
Feature #479 - MBE Sample Import - Automatic restart
Automatically retry imports the next day if log files where not available yet.
Log files only get copied once per day.
Feature #449 - Reporting Category in Bulk View
Setting the reporting category was only possible when creating a sample, to update it later,
changing to the classic dialogue was necessary
Bugfix #492, #493, #494, #503, #504, #505, #508, #509 - Bugfixes Bulk dialog
Various bugfixes for the bulk view.
Bugfix #507 - Deleting sample including activities and files cause DB error
Files where looked up and user was asked if they shall be deleted, but that did not happen.
Bugfix #497 - Fix recipe templates not detecting changes
Certain modifications were not detected and thus not saved automatically.
Bugfix #488 - Researchers could not create substrates
Only the customizing dialogue worked, not adding a substrate while creating a sample.
Feature #461 - Read MBE log files and create recipes
Import log files, filter for entries during growth run. Detect growth end from event log.
Populate recipe from log files.
Bugfixes #483, #484 - Substrates with several layers not correctly displayed in Customizing\
Bugfix #482 - Synthesis activity not saving changed material
Modification of material was not detected as a changed and thus only saved if another field
was changed, too.
Issue #366 - Update dependencies
Upgrade backend framework to dotnet core 3.1
Upgrade of frontend framework to knockout 3.5.1
Issue #399 - Use server side paging and sorting for project list
Filter, sort and page projects on server.
Recipe Template #384 - Recipe Template for MOCVD2
First version of recipe template for MOCVD2, reading in instrument specific text file format
Bugfixes #461, #472, #474 - MBE Sample Import Bugfixes
Allow substrates to have several layers, fix bugs with substrate lookup.
Fix researcher lookup, use psu ID if available first.
Bugfix #469, #470, #471, #472 - Bulk view Bugfixes
Filter pieces (flakes) of samples in Bulk view
Fix manually set sample ID
Feature #453 - Synthesis Activity with variable number of materials
Synthesis activity can add several layers or no layer at all
Feature #461 - Import Samples from MBE1, MBE5, MBE6
Connect to box folder and import sample definition files.
Feature #463 - Flux Growth in Bulk View
Add Flux Growth method for Bulk, same parameter set as Melt Growth.
Bugfix #464 - Bulk View: Preparation ID overwritten
Bulk Sample Preparation ID was overwritten with actual Sample ID.
Bugfix #465 - Researchers could not add Materials
Fix Error 403 - Forbidden when adding a new material.
Feature #433 - Comments in recipes per row
Can be activated per recipe template, shows a second line where a comment can be entered.
Bugfix #452 - Editing and Deleting Notes and Communications not working
Fixes several bugs in Communications and Notes. The creator of a note or communication should not be able
to set it back into pending status, where it can be modified or deleted. Deletion always asks for confirmation.
Bugfix #451 - Fix incorrect sample description visibility
The sample description was shown as editable for submitted samples and not all for pending samples.
Bugfix #446, #447, #448 - Bulk view
Some bugfixes need for the bulk view. Samples created in project view where not displayed correctly,
after some changes, the bulk table view showed empty fields until next reload.
Improvement #450 - Enter formulas in recipe cells
Instead of a number, a simple formula starting with "=" can be entered in recipes.
Feature #422 - Submit samples in Bulk View
Submit is now possible directly from the bulk view, both via context menu and main menu.
Improvement #442 - Change default date for new preparation and synthesis steps to sample date
New activities are initialized with a default date, this was the current date so far. This has been changed preparation and synthesis activities, those are now initialized with the sample creation date.
Bugfix #439 - Assure that data set initially when creating an data object cannot be overwritten
Some fields, like the researcher who created a samples, are not editable once a new data object has been created. In certain cases those fields could get deleted.
Bugfix #425 - Optional dropdowns allowing new entries could be cleared
This was the case for certain sample attributes (size, sample holder, etc.) and for
customizing data. Once a value was set, the field could be emptied any more.
Bugfix #417 - Error when downloading empty sample report
When a sample report did not include any data, feedback that it is empty was missing when displaying the report (looked like the server was still working), while downloading caused an unspecific error message.
Bugfix #410 - Save activity before uploading a recipe
Recipe processing on the server can dependent on the instrument set for the synthesis step. When uploading a recipe file right after setting the instrument, the server returned an error that the instrument has to be set first.
Therefore, LiST now assures that the activity gets saved to the server (that is the synthesis instrument gets pushed to the server) before a field is uploaded.
Bugfix #437 - Recipe files could be uploaded to submitted activities
A synthesis activity was reading in recipe files even if the activity was already submitted. While uploading files to submitted samples and activities is possible, no recipe data is no longer processed when the activity is submitted.
Improvement #202 - Submit samples together with their activities
List now allows submitting a samples including all preparation and synthesis steps. A confirmation is requested, this request lists
all activities that would be submitted together with the sample.
In case of Multi-Sample Growths, all samples are submitted together with the growth run. In this case, all samples are listed in the confirmation request as well.
Bugfix #441 - Delete pending activities or samples including files
When deleting pending activities or samples where files have already been uploaded,
a confirmation will be requested before deleting all files together with the activity or sample.
This confirmation request also lists all files present.
Submitted data (or files) cannot be deleted, as before.
Bugfix #436 - Some samples did not include the researcher
Fixes a bug that saved samples without the researcher who made it. This information was then missing in sample tracking reports.
Feature #414 - Generic Sample Reports
Setting a technique or instrument for sample reports is now optional. Sample Report Definitions can be generic,
e.g. for instrument runtime reporting.
Report Config UI has been revised, with a filter area for existing configs. Report configurations specific to a technique
or instrument display this in the report config dropdown.
Feature #427, #430, - Improved Customizing for Bulk Materials
Bulk needs some different fields for raw materials then thin film for substrates. Although it is stored in the same table
in the database, it is now clearly separated in two views in the customizing area. Another view has been added for Bulk,
allowing to store molar weights in the data base and not in the recipe.
Feature #388 - Bulk dialog for working with multi sample growths
Bulk usually fills several ampoules at a time, with variations of raw material mixtures. Modeling those as individual
samples that can only be accessed one at a time is inconvenient. The current view is okay when accessing the grown
sample, i.e. showing how a particular sample was prepared and grown.
For 2DCC researchers, an alternative dialogue is need, allowing to enter the different mixtures on one screen.
Bugfix #416 - Fix label generation for new Materials\
Bugfix #412 - Last Activity picks the wrong activity
When both preparation and synthesis have been done on the same day, synthesis should be shown as last activity,
even if the preparation step has been added later.
Recipe Template for MBE5/6
Adding recipe templates for MBE 5/6, improved runtime calculation
Bugfix #419 - Allow using other techniques then the sample technique for synthesis activities
There might be growth steps like sputtering that use another technique. So a synthesis activity should
not restrict the useable instruments. All techniques configured for the project and available to a researcher
should be available for any growth. The sample technique & instrument are just the ones that determine the sample ID.
New recipe for Sputtering, update for CVD
No extra column total runtime necessary anymore.
Improvement #408 - Faculty can modify User projects
Faculty can now modify their user projects.
Improvement #407 - Recipe Favorite table improvements
The list of recipe favorites in the user settings sections now includes a preview of the recipe.
Table designed has been improved so that the favorite name is fully visible.
Bugfix #401 - Bugfix Split
Fixes bugs that prevented splitting samples and caused incorrect number of pieces displayed in LiST.
Feature #396 - Add User Communication as object to the tree
User communication can now be tracked using the new data object "Communication".
It is shown in the tree, ordered by date, and allows attaching files, too.
Bugfix #398 - Project Search Criteria not saved
Fix bug that search parameters entered on the "My Projects" site were not saved.
Feature #384 - Process recipe upload on server, using adapters for different format
Replace the prototype csv parsing used for MOCVD recipes, allows using CSV or XML directly or
including an adapter for legacy formats that converts to XML first.
Bugfix #385 - Drop downs in recipes lost extra values when saving
Fixes drop downs in recipes that only suggest values, but also allow to enter something else.
Bugfix #390 - Duplicate notes
Fixes duplicate notes being created
Feature #381 - Update Recipe Template
When a recipe templates has been updated in the system, existing recipes
can now be updated to this new template. This is intended for updates like
additional columns or unit/label corrections. The data is not saved
automatically after such an update, so it can be reverted if not working
as intended.
Feature #377 - Collect Meta Data from file names for synthesis step
Filename of files uploaded to synthesis steps can now be parsed and meta data extracted.
This will be used for in-situ characterization data like RHEED images.
Feature #362 - Filter shipped samples
The option to filter samples that have been shipped or not yet shipped has been included to the sample filter.
Bugfix #379 - Bugfix for file uploading issues
Folder on box were created before the characterization instrument was set, resulting in folder names like
[CHAR]-SampleID... instead of AFM-SampleID
Improvement #371 - Improved meta data collection from file names
Optional fields can now be defined, better feedback while testing if the pattern does not match the test file name.
Issue #288 - User settings
LiST now stores settings per user.
User settings are configured in a dedicated dialogue opened using the cog button in the main view. Recipe favorites (see #228)
and user specific file name schemas (see #282#) are accessible at the same place.
Issue #228 - Recipe favorites
Recipes can be saved as a favorite. Recipe favorites can be applied to new synthesis / preparation activities.
Saving and applying favorites is done on synthesis / preparation activities. The user settings dialogue (see #288)
contains a list of all favorites, they can currently only be renamed and deleted there. Editing favorites might be added later,
for the moment, this can be done by applying a favorite, modifying it and storing it as a new favorite.
Issue #282 - User specific file name schema for meta data extraction
Meta data extraction of uploaded characterization files can be configured by user. It is thus possible that each
user has a different file naming schema and includes different meta data fields in those file names.
Configuration is done in the user settings dialogue, see #288
Issue #354 - Distinguish Simulation Method and Synthesis Instrument in Customizing view
Simulation methods can now be added on a dedicated tab, not under synthesis instruments. Tabs have been grouped for display on normal sized screens.
Instrument managers can only modify their instruments, not all.
Issue #353 - Limit materials in materials filter to used materials
At all places where a filter by material is possible the list of materials now shows those that would actually find something, ie. those associated with projects/samples/publications.
If other filters would filter out the only date with a certain material it is not removed from the list.
Issue #352 - Include 2DCC / NSF Branding
On all sites, the 2DCC NSF Branding is included.
Issue #35 - Add Logout Button
A logout button has been added that forwards to the web access logout. This should be used on shared machines like some MCL computers.
Logout currently is only effective after a delay of some minutes.
Issue #341 - Material Dropdown
In order to facility the selection of elements that can be part of dozens of materials, the filter now sorts entries to the top that start with the filter text.
Entering "Te" will move the element Te to the top of the list, in front of all the Bi..Te..
Issue #340 - Project, Characterization and Theory Activities: Show main content on main tab
Project activities (Proposal, Report) and Characterization Activities now show the file list on the main tab. That's what users are normally looking for.
Likewise, Theory activities show the notes on the main tab, since there usually is sort of a readme in the notes.
Where there is a main content on the main tab (recipe, publication), notes and files are shown on dedicated tabs.
Issue #337 - Scroll selected samples into view including activities\
Issue #330 - Publication table
Restrict list of materials to those used in publications, reorder columns in publications list, only show link to project if this project is visible to the current user.
Issue #328 - Allow reordering rows (steps) in recipes
Issue #69 - Upload folder
Characterization data can be dropped in a box folder (e.g. via box sync), in a folder structure
SampleID/CharInstrumentId or CharInstrumentId/SampleID, or just files whose name starts with the characterization ID
A characterization activity is created automatically and files are moved there.
Issue #329 - Include marker for test system
LiST now shows which is environment it is installed. On the test system, "Environment: Testing" is be shown in tall red letters.
Issue #317 - Sample ID and Project ID modifiable
The database is now prepared to change those IDs. It can (and will) be added to the user interface. Changing a sample ID will require admin rights.
Issue #219 - Modify user logins
A login field has been added. The login (access id or Friends of PennState id) can now be different from the user id.
A friends of PennState IDs is not always available when a project is created, it can now be added later.
Administrator is no longer a role, but now a flag of users. This allows to give any 2DCC collaborator (faculty, researcher) admin privileges.
Issue #108 - Theory activities: Drop down for software and version
Simulation software and version can now be selected from a drop down. The drop down is populated with all previously entered values (software/version combinations).
A new value can be entered in the field and added bye selecting it with the mouse. It will then be available in the drop down for the next theory activity created.
Issue #321 - Add user and project status to sample request list
Sample request list has a column where the user is shown. If a project is closed, but sample requests are still open, "(Closed)" is added to the project id.
Issue #314 - Show full sample history also when piece is transferred
When a sample is split and a piece is transferred to another project, the sample history will be shown as part of this new project, too.
Only the transferred piece(s) are shown.
Issue #315 - Recipe: Copying the last row when adding a new row
It is now configurable if a new row added to a recipe will be empty (default) or copy the last row.
Currently active for MBE templates
Issue #172 - Recipe: Extract runtime from recipe
Recipes can be configured to automatically populate the instrument run time field of the activity.
Currently active for Bulk and MOCVD templates
Issue #285 - Recipe template improvements for Bulk
Include new machines and techniques, different templates for 2- and 4-zone CVT. Include transport agent as raw material with purity, vendor, etc.
Issue #113 - Add configuration option which Techniques grow on a substrate
Remove special case Bulk from source code, make it configurable. Techniques have a flag if they use a substrate, if yes, this is a mandatory field. This allows to configure different Bulk techniques (Bridgman, CVT, Melt Growth).
Techniques can now be grouped, so that on project level, "Bulk" can be assigned, leaving the choice which of the Techniques in this groups shall be used to the researcher.
Issue #272 - Recipe Template improvements for MOCVD
When rows are included in recipe template (not added by the researcher), different formulas can be used by row.
A filter allows to configure which lines shall be included in the recipe shown in the user interface (the recipe file itself is uploaded with all lines). It is possible to use all values in the uploaded files in a formula, even when not all values are included in the recipe shown, e.g. it is possible to exclude some steps from the recipe display, but include the time in the total instrument runtime.
Issue #290 - Template for MBE
Improvements in recipe templates for MBE templates.
Multi-Select drop down for selection of open shutters.
Automatically fill timestamp column, calculate duration between timestamps.
Issue #113 - Make required fields for synthesis step configurable
The template defines if a material is made or a synthesis instrument used. This makes it possible to have a mandatory runtime and instrument field when instruments are used, but to hide those fields for e.g. chemical cleaning.
Bugfix #280, #281
Extract file meta data on the server, not in the browser
Since the browser was extraction meta data only after a successful upload, it could happen that the files were uploaded,
but their meta data never stored in the data base.
Bugfix #293
Context menu entry "Copy link to clipboard" has to be available in read-only mode, too\
Bugfix #284
Fix publication activity
Publication activity caused a 404 file not found error.
Issue #248 - Requests of unspecified nb of samples
The nb of samples requested is no longer required. If empty, "several" samples are requested.
In the project overview, the # of samples due is shown with a + sign (1/2+ samples)
Issue #261 - Pending data visible to project collaborators
Pending samples/activities are now visible to project collaborators. Submitted data are visible to all 2DCC personnel and, depending on visibility flag, to users.
Issue #258 - Sample Filter
Sample can be filtered on a project, by grower, date, sample properties (sample holder, size, etc.).
The field "Quality" has been added to samples, allowing to qualify samples the meet the target criteria (superconducting, etc.)
Issue #272 - Recipe Template updates
Allow formula per line, color per column. Check format of uploaded CSV files and report missing columns.
Add configuration to recipe template if an instrument is used and instrument time has to be reported.
Issue #273 - Make sure only allowed fields can still be modified after submit
Modifying a submitted sample (reporting category e.g.) must not reset status to pending. Server has to block changes to fields
that may not be modified after submitting, whatever the client might send.
Issue #212 - Storage Activity
Storage Activity just contains a field for the storage location
Issue #260 - Scroll to selected node
The tree scrolls so that the selected sample with all activities is visible.
Issue #268 - Bugfix Split activity
Modifying date or visibility of a split activity caused sample pieces to disappear or to be shown twice in the browser.
Issue #269 - Recipe not populated with uploaded file
Corrected trigger when uploaded a instrument control file to a synthesis activity.
Issue #138 - Improved sample search
Added fields that allow searching by sample ID and by Substrate
Issue #253 - Submit pieces of samples
Issue #125 - Transfer of Samples to another Project improved
A window is opened that asks for the target project. A transfer activity can be created to keep a trace of the transfer,
if transferring from an internal project, this is optional.
Issue #197 - Share link to Project or Sample via Context Menu
Context menu of Samples and Projects now contains the entry "Copy Link to Clipboard"
Issue #211 - Link Characterization and Synthesis instruments with activities
Wherever a Characterization or Synthesis instrument is selected
(Characterization, Preparation, Synthesis, and Post-Treatment Activities) there is now a button next
to this selection drop down which opens the instrument details in a popup window.
Issue #190 - Group Characterization Instruments by Facility
First a facility has to be chosen. Only instruments of that facility will then be available in the instrument dropdown.
In the Customizing dialog, new facilities can be defined or one of the already used facilities can be selected.
Issue #231 - Allow editing/adding Synthesis and Characterization Techniques
Synthesis and Characterization Techniques can now be added and modified like all other objects in the customizing dialog.
Issue #240 - File upload immediately after selecting, feedback improved when upload is done
Button "Upload files" has been removed, upload starts immediately after dragging files to list
or selecting files. The status changes to "# file uploading..." and data can only be submitted
after upload is done (or failed).
Issue #239 - Bugfixes for notes, do not save empty title
Notes for samples were not loaded. Handling of empty notes and notes with just a text improved. If only a text is entered,
the first 30 characters are just as title (a better title can be set later).
As long as both title and content are empty, the note is not saved.
Issue #230 - Allow several recipe templates distinguished by name
If several recipe templates are available, a drop down is shown.
Currently used for two preparation templates "Cleaning" and "Furnace" for Hybrid MBE
Issue #229 - Added Title and # of samples to sample requests
If several samples of one type are requested, only one Sample Request Object has to be added
Issue #227 - Use dropdowns instead of text fields for sample and substrate properties
The dropdown contains all values previously used for the same technology. New values can be added at any time.
Issue #205 - Instrument removed from projects, technology is associated with projects instead
Instrument managers can create and manage Multi-Group-Projects
Issue #208 - Only one category "In-House" for internal projects
The distinction between Maintenance, Process Development and Research has been moved to the Sample
Issue #188 - Split sample activity uses a popup to ask for the number of pieces, pieces can be added also later\
Issue #137 - Store data on box in old folder structure {Material}/{Technique}/{SampleID}
Data on box is stored in folder structure {Material}/{Technique}/{SampleID} after submitting.
Data on pending samples is stored in Pending/{UserID}/{SampleID}.
Samples can only be submitted once Preparation and Synthesis activities have been submitted (An option to submit those together with the sample will be added later).
Submitted samples can still be characterized, split, shipped, stored, but no more synthesis steps can be added.
Project data is stored in Pending/{UserID}/{ProjectID} and only moved to the /{ProjectID} on submit
Issue #185 - MRI header removed
LiST will be included in the 2DCC website with this header, but it is and stays usable also with a direct link without this header.
The embedded site with header is the one we are going to share with users and community.
Issue #195 - Added field Orientation to substrates
Issue #201 - Validation errors while submitting are shown in a dedicated window\
Issue #200 - Use "+"-Button next to User/Substrate/Material to add new user, substrates and materials.
The entry "-- Add new --" has been removed from the drop down.
Issue #119 - Improved popups with header and footer
Colors are used to distinguish errors/validation errors from other popups.
Tooltips for Submit/Save/Delete Pending buttons and status-field